
building smart linux robotics platform

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Ztox Robotics is a china startup focused in bringing the next generation of educational robots to the market. We believe that robots(uav ugv…) are the future and we are working hard to make that future a reality. We maintain an open and interactive work environment and take pride in striking a sustainable work/life balance. We develop software and hardware in the open and collaborate freely with colleagues at other companies and universities. If you decide to work with us get ready for going out to the fields testing technology in real scenarios. We promise it’ll be fun :).

#ztox git-book

In this book you’ll learn the basics of our technology, a small-size Linux computer for making robots.

##About For years we’ve been working in the robotics field, particularly with drones. We have passed through different Universities and research centers and in all these places we actually found that most of the drones are black boxes (check out our 60s pitch). Not meant to be used for learning, research. The software they use is in most of the cases unknown, closed source or not documented. Given these conditions, how are we going to educate the next generations on this technologies? How do you get started programming drones if you don’t have $1000+ budget? Which platform allows me to get started with drones without risking a hand?

We are coming up with an answer to all these questions, our technology at Ztox Robotics and our drones brain: Ztox-brain.


Inspired by the BeagleBone development board, we have designed a small computer with about 36+ sensors, plenty of I/O and processing power for real-time analysis. Ztox is the enabling technology for the next generation of aerial and terrestrial robots that will be used in cities solving tasks such as surveillance, enviromental monitoring or even providing aid at catastrophes.

Our small-size Linux computer is bringing robotics to the people and businesses.